Off-Season Ice Hockey Leg Strength Training

The distinguishing factor between elite-level international competitors and normal ice hockey players is their skating ability. A balance of technique and strength, it is dependent on explosive leg strength that helps to provide not only acceleration but also to remain balanced when struck by an opponent.

Legs are the origin of force development. They exert force against the ground that transfers the energy up throughout the entire body for all movements. The abdominal lower back is also important in ice hockey.

General Strength Acquisition

3 sets x 10-12 repetitions (*warm-up sets)
Rest 90-seconds between sets
Tempo = 3 – 0 – 2
Stretch every day

Sample Leg Workout

Sumo Squats – 3 x 10-12 reps
Hamstring Curls – 3 x 10-12 reps
Lunges – 3 x 10-12 reps
Back Extensions – 3 x 10-12 reps

The hamstring curl, lunge and sumo squat are great exercises to improve on strength for those playing ice hockey.

Hamstring curl – lie face down on the leg curl bench with the heel roller pad resting on the back of your ankles, and your knees just off the bottom of the bench. Next, slowly curl your legs towards your buttocks, all the while keeping your hips pressed into the bench, and then slowly lower them back to the starting position. You can also do this one leg at a time.

Lunge – with light dumbbells, step forward with a slightly exaggerated stride until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Do not allow your knee to extend beyond your toes, keep the knee and foot in alignment. Keep your torso vertical and push off the lead leg to return to the same position.

Sumo Squat – do a regular squat, but stand with your legs spread wide apart – this is to train the groin to a greater extent. Rest the barbell on the trapezius and not on your beck. Position your feet and hips under the bark, take it off-the-rack and take two steps back. Drop your hips and ‘sit back into a chair’. Then start the movement at the hip joint, not your knees. Try to squat as deep as possible by flexing at hip and sticking your buttocks out. Ensure that you keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.

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