Hockey Warm Ups

When warming up for a hockey game, like any other activity, it is important to warm up correctly. Most players perform basic stretching exercises to loosen up their muscles, not knowing that this only lowers their performance levels and increases the chances of sustaining an injury. Instead, what is needed for an ideal hockey warm up is dynamic stretching. This includes these three exercises:

Jumping jacks – this is one of the most powerful warm-up exercises you can do. It makes your blood flow, increases your heart rate and loosens up your joints and muscles. Find a wide space you can move around in and make sets of 10-15 jumping jacks. If you are not familiar with this exercise, it consists of going from an idle standing position with your arms by your side, jumping and landing with legs separated while arms are raised and returning back to the initial position with a jump.

Push-ups – the common push-up is another great warm up exercise. It helps your muscles to start working and increases your heart rate. Push ups also slacken joints in your body. Remember not to overdo this exercise. Keep in mind you are doing it as a warm-up to ready yourself for a game, and not as a physical exercise.

Leg swings – do leg swings backwards to front, or even from left to right. This is an excellent exercise to warm up your lower body, because it stretches and loosens your joints and muscles without lowering their ability to perform during your game. All you have to do is balance your leg from front to back or even side to side, adding a little bending at the knee.

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