Dos and Don’ts of buying hockey skates

Figure skate vs. speed skate: Remember there are figure skates, recreational skates, hockey and speed skates. Each skates serve a different purpose.

Buy at a specialized store: If you are new to the game, go to a store that specializes on hockey gear. Since there are many aspects to consider, experienced sales people can assist you to select well-fitting skates.

Consider your age and experience: A child needs an inexpensive pair because they grow out of skates sooner than an older player. Both should look for protection.

Size: Always try them on. You need to buy skates that are few notches lower than your regular shoe size for the fit and safety.

Bring your socks: Depending how thick or thin, you need to try your new skates with socks on for fitting.

Try your new pair of skates at the store: Remember to look for safety. An enforced toe, solid ankle support, and a tongue that stays in place when laced are key points when fitting.

Additional service warranties: Your new skates may come with an initial blade sharpening. Also, “heat molding” and future refitting may also be available to you free of charge or at a reduced rate.